Saturday, October 24, 2015

Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

I added a vintage coffee pot found at a local junk store to my collection. But before it goes on the shelf it must be tried. So I’ve got my coffee and here are your blog sites for the week.

I usually go to this site twice a week. There are many artists to see and to be realistic, many to ignore. But you should go and look and decide for yourself. If nothing else it shows you what’s going on around you.

Besides the fact that you can read issues of The Woven Tale Press that you might have missed, (how could you!), it is a place to look at a ton of art in catalogs.

This is one of the big box magazines. Worth reading what they offer on line if you don’t have a subscription. Forgot to order mine this year. 

That's it for now but remember;
  Imagination is never still The Marks we make are Verbs

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Coffee, Art, Tea and Blogs

Weekends are definitely made for drinking coffee, sipping tea and reading blogs (at least during the morning). This week I tended to wander a bit and came across a few interesting blogs. One of them helped to provide a title for a piece of art I'm working on. So lets go to that first
While this may be a science subject blog I found it inspirational. The 7 Towers of PICERAS have provided me with the title Piceras 4 Energy.

I try not to read this blog to early in the morning. Sometimes it leans a little to much toward academic and general high brow stuff. But it does get the brain working in new ways.

Here's a continuation of science that can be used for the arts. I ended up on this site (wandering) and as a sculptor I was intrigued. What do do think? 

One more thing before I go, there's a weekly art paper that I think is interesting so I'll post a link here
Its called Contemporary Artist and Art check it out.
That's it for this week. And remember

Imagination is never still. The marks we make are Verbs!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Art Coffee, Tea and Blogs

I'm sitting here having my coffee, and I thought you might like to explore some of the blog sites that I read. They are mostly about art, but you'll notice, as time goes on, I tend to wander:

Tilted Arch is an online journal that features in-depth and long standing concerns about the making of art. We engage artists directly, preferring to incorporate their own voice on practice, intention, materiality, installation and inspiration.

Art F City creates and archives critical discourse, and commissions ambitious artist projects. Through a daily mix of blunt criticism, commentary and community-minded journalism, we add an unparalleled dosage of purposeful opinion to the contemporary art community.

PRLOG is a site you can use to write and distribute FREE press releases

That's it for now but I'll be posting again next week, so come on back! And remember:
Imagination is never still, the marks we make are verbs