Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

If you're still looking for ways to procrastinate about filing your taxes, I'm supplying some fodder for your foolery. And of course a wonderful poster about...Coffee. So here you go.

First, I can’t help but give a nod to my mentor and friend artist Harold Garde who in his mid 90’s is still creating insightful significant art. This is a wonderful video

Next is an incredible retelling of Plato's allegory of the cave

And finally a little piece of software you may find useful when you don't want to give out your email on the multitude of web forms floating around

That's it for now and while you may be tired of hearing, no one I know has seems to complain
Imagination is Never Still. The Marks We Make Are Verbs

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Art, Coffee, Tea and Blogs

Hey it's April. Why are you still just thinking about the stuff you want to get done? The first 25% of the year is done. And it flew by. So take a breath, look around and do something new! Here are some links to charge your batteries. They'll go well with coffee or tea

First up is a list from Art Web about abstract artist. These 6 artist are considered people who are bringing new life into abstract art. Tell me what you think.

Looking for some greedy, sex-obsessed, power-mad despots. The Public Domain has the answer so look no further, Lucian of Samosata took the popular images of the Greek gods and re-drew them. Thank you is offering up a list of 50, yeah 50 exhibitions you should see this spring. Even if you only see a hand full it would be great!

Well that's about it for now so remember
Imagination is Never Still. The Marks We Make Are Verbs