Saturday, December 15, 2018

New Works on Paper and Canvas

I am a Painter of Suggestion

I am interested in motion, storytelling, and the sincerity of mark making.  I use the seduction of rhythm and texture to create structures and form. These elements become the basis for emotional bookmarks on the surface of our memories. Because of their fluid nature, our imagination becomes fired by these instances, enhancing a reality we want to know and one we think we’ve seen.

 I am intrigued by the notion that while black is supposed to be the absence of color, its reflective and absorptive surface actually presents a variety of hues. I use different densities of black color derived from hand ground Chinese Ink, carbon, mars and ivory acrylic black and thickened onyx house paint. The resulting matte surfaces and reflections of light mix with the intimacy of the paper to create an endless depth. I mix this with a variety of textures and geometric forms to establish an organic motion. Occasionally I use acrylic reds and golds or gold leaf in the process. The layers in my work are structures and forms of emotions. They are part of our individual consciousness, waiting to be touched and expressed.

"As a painter I explore many different types of mediums and methods in art. Feel free to explore my portfolios"

Monday, February 12, 2018

Chinese Ink Painting

These original Chinese Ink Paintings are part of my process for quieting the mind. The past year ended on a tragic and emotionally intense note with the passing of my son. These works are my experiment with creating balance and harmony. I have chosen the depiction of the Red Crown Crane as my subject.
Each one measures 8.5 x 11 inches and they are offered at $150.00 each, unframed

Red Crown Crane #1

Red Crown Crane #2

Red Crown Crane #3
For more information contact me at
And check out my additional work at